Alasdair Shaw - 63250

logs 1,534

Awards Completed

Member Of

Indoor Climbing Record


Date : 13/07/2023

Duration : 1-2 hours

Grade : N/A

Grade : N/A

Style : Observer

Type : Lead Climbing

Routes : 0

Flagged :


Watching a children's group session being run. Big spread of experience - one pair had to be made to warm up on top rope as they were keen to just get stuck into leading; others needed more guidance.
The pair who were used to leading basically worked together with the instructor keeping an eye on them and occasionally setting challenges.
The other four were on their first or second session at the sharp end, having progessed up leading skills while on top rope. Not all had the confidence this time, which was respected. Those who did a lead without top rope seemed proud.

It struck me as a very hard session to run due to the range of ability and the constraints of other wall users, both clubs and independents. Reigning in the two cocky ones without putting then off was challenging - normally I'd switch to coaching mode in that kind of situation, but that relies on another instructor for the rest of the group.

Area : Bristol Climbing Centre / Undercover Rock
