Alasdair Shaw - 63250

logs 1,531

Awards Completed

Member Of

Indoor Climbing Record


Date : 23/08/2023

Duration : 1-2 hours

Grade : N/A

Grade : N/A

Style : Observer

Type : Lead Climbing

Routes : 0

Flagged :


Watching first lesson on lead belaying. Participants had lead quite often, but always with others belaying them.
Started with introductions and then a bit of top-roping to judge prior ability.
Then floor games, including paying out/taking in as a pair.
Next, leading up stairs. Quickdraws had been positioned on the handrail and one walked up stairs, sometimes backing down, while the other belayed under the instructor's supervision. Then swapped.
Back to the wall for downclimbing on toprope.
All was very safe way to introduce lead belaying and without the need for extra person on safety rope. The stairs leading exercise could be done any time even without a wall and wouldn't need supervision. Good as a homework in a learn to lead series.

Area : Wellington School
