Fun with Jam
A light-hearted look at teaching the dark and masochistic art of Jamming to clients.
Many Instructors and Clients often fear the Gritstone if they have not been seduced by its beauty...
Clients are often unsure what to do when their only option is a crack as the face holds have disappeared. Unsure what to do with their feet inside a crack (Don't just stuff them in and hope, same goes for the hands!).
Those un-skilled at Jamming often wonder why they are crying on a Severe. Shuddering at routes named "Agony Crack" or "Hell Crack" or "Fat Man's Misery" and praying their clients don't want to be guided up those routes.
The Peak District is a Mecca for finger, hand, fist and foot jamming. There are both good and bad venues to teach it and good and bad techniques to use.
This is peer led but Jim Walton (MCI) will happily talk through some venues/routes that might not be familiar to people to give other options to the (normally super busy at weekends) locations like Burbage North and Millstone. Look at some techniques and why the thumb and the knee are so important. Look at techniques regarding teaching leading on jamming cracks.
If you've not jammed before then why not try it for the first time in front of all your peers. What could go wrong?
Completely Free.