Hill Skills for The Outdoor Partnership

01/04/2023 - 02/04/2023

T.H Roberts

Bookings start from £12.00

Scheme Details

Awarding Body
Mountain Training
Hill & Mountain Skills
Mountain Skills

Award Description

The Hill & Mountain Skills scheme is a great way to develop your personal skills and confidence in all elements of hill and mountain walking. From planning a coastal walk to navigating in complex terrain, these courses are an ideal opportunity to learn the basics and enjoy the countryside. THIS IS NOT THE HILL AND MOORLAND LEADER SCHEME.

Event Director

Ashley Charlwood - 100181

logs 87

Awards Completed

Member Of


This course is run over the weekend Whilst it's based in Dolgellau we will use the areas with the best conditions on the day (transport provided from and back to Dolgellau).
  • This course is offered by our partners The Outdoor Partnership and Byw’n Iach.
  • Must be 18+ unless parent or guardian is also attending.
  • Offer is only available to Gwynedd Residents
  • Attendees may not be working in the Outdoor Sector currently
During a Hill Skills course, you can expect to start each day at about 9am. The first part of the course is spent indoors, getting to know the other people on the course and gaining an understanding of basic hill walking planning. Your tutor will outline the plans for the course before you head out into the hills. The end of the day will usually involve a short session to review the day and plan the following day's outing.

You can expect to be out walking each day for around 4-5 hours and generally on Hill Skills courses this will be on footpaths or trails that are rough underfoot. Much of the journey during the course will involve learning opportunities and as such, the pace of the day is friendly and will include plenty of breaks.
Planning – how to successfully plan a walk in the mountains in the UK or Ireland.

Walking skills – what things should you consider while out walking and what can make life easier (pace, nutrition, movement skills, steep ground etc.).

Clothing and equipment – being suitably dressed and equipped can make the difference between a great day out and a complete disaster.

Weather – how it affects the mountains and your day out.

Navigation in the mountains – everything from selecting a compass and using a map to navigation in poor visibility and an intro to GPS.

Environmental knowledge – how to minimise your impact on the hill, information on good practice and useful organisations.

Hazards and emergency procedures in the mountains – how to respond to any hazards you encounter and what to do in an emergency.
Whilst it's based in Dolgellau we will use the areas with the best conditions on the day (transport provided from and back to Dolgellau).
  • This course is offered by our partners The Outdoor Partnership and Byw’n Iach.
  • Must be 18+ unless parent or guardian is also attending.
  • Offer is only available to Gwynedd Residents
  • Attendees may not be working in the Outdoor Sector currently
During a Hill Skills course, you can expect to start each day at about 9am. The first part of the course is spent indoors, getting to know the other people on the course and gaining an understanding of basic hill walking planning. Your tutor will outline the plans for the course before you head out into the hills. The end of the day will usually involve a short session to review the day and plan the following day's outing.

You can expect to be out walking each day for around 4-5 hours and generally on Hill Skills courses this will be on footpaths or trails that are rough underfoot. Much of the journey during the course will involve learning opportunities and as such, the pace of the day is friendly and will include plenty of breaks.
Planning – how to successfully plan a walk in the mountains in the UK or Ireland.

Walking skills – what things should you consider while out walking and what can make life easier (pace, nutrition, movement skills, steep ground etc.).

Clothing and equipment – being suitably dressed and equipped can make the difference between a great day out and a complete disaster.

Weather – how it affects the mountains and your day out.

Navigation in the mountains – everything from selecting a compass and using a map to navigation in poor visibility and an intro to GPS.

Environmental knowledge – how to minimise your impact on the hill, information on good practice and useful organisations.

Hazards and emergency procedures in the mountains – how to respond to any hazards you encounter and what to do in an emergency.

* Mae’r cwrs yn cael ei gynnig gan ein partneriaid Y Bartneriaeth Awyr Agored a Byw’n Iach.
* Rhaid i’r mynychwyr fod dros 18, oni bai fod rhiant neu warchodwr hefyd yn mynychu.
* Mae’r cynnig ar gael i drigolion Gwynedd yn unig
* Ni chaiff unigolion sy’n gweithio yn y maes awyr agored eisoes fynychu

Bydd y cwrs yn dechrau am 9yb bob dydd. Bydd y rhan gyntaf o’r cwrs yn digwydd tŷ fewn, yn dod i adnabod pawb, ag yn magu dealltwriaeth
sylfaenol o baratoi i gerdded bryniau. Bydd eich tiwtor yn amlinellu y cynllun am y cwrs, cyn i chi fentro i’r bryniau. Bydd sesiwn byr ar
ddiwedd y dydd i werthuso, ag i gynllunio y dydd wedyn.

Byddwch yn treulio 4-5 awr y dydd yn cerdded bob dydd, ag mae’r cwrs Sgiliau Cerdded Bryniau yn aros ar lwybrau a thraciau sy’n arw
dan draed. Bydd y teithiau yn cynnwys nifer o gyfleoedd dysgu, oherwydd hyn byddwn yn mynd ar gyflymdra hamddenol gyda digon o

Cynllunio – sut i gynllunio taith yn llwyddiannus ym mryniau Y DU ag Iwerddon

Sgiliau cerdded – beth ddylech ystyried tra’n cerdded, a beth all hwyluso y daith (cyflymdra, sgiliau symud, tir serth ayyb).

Dillad ag offer – gall wisgo a yn addas a chario offer cywir wneud y gwahaniaeth rhwng diwrnod llwyddiannus a methiant llwyr.

Tywydd – sut mae’r tywydd yn effeithio y mynyddoedd a’ch diwrnod chi.
Mordwyo yn y mynyddoedd – popeth o ddewis cwmpawd a defnyddio map, i fordwyo mewn gwelededd gwael a chyflwyno GPS
Gwybodaeth amgylcheddol – sut i leihau eich effaith ar y bryniau, gwybodaeth ar ymarfer da, a sefydliadau defnyddiol. Peryglon a threfnau argyfwng yn y mynyddoedd – sut i ymateb i unrhyw beryglon dewch ar draws a beth i wneud mewn argyfwng.

Where And When

01/04/2023 09:00
02/04/2023 17:00
Total Days
Maximum Bookings
T.H Roberts
LL40 1PS
United Kingdom


no-mad Adventures
01341 29 30 31


  • The Outdoor Partnership subsidised course

  • Enquire

    Any questions about this event?

Other Dates

24/05/2025 £125.00 Details

