Rock Climbing Instructor Assessment

10/10/2024 - 11/10/2024

Central Lake District

Bookings start from £215.00

Scheme Details

Awarding Body
Mountain Training
Rock Climbing Instructor

Award Description

This qualification trains and assesses candidates in the skills required to supervise climbers on single pitch crags and climbing walls. Common activities undertaken by Rock Climbing Instructor will be roped climbing and bouldering. This scheme does not include the skills and techniques required to teach lead climbing.


Rock climbing Instructor assessment Climb365 will cover the cost of your entry fee into the climbing wall. Rock climbing Instructor assessment course details Our Rock climbing Instructor assessment courses are another opportunity for you to learn. Whilst assessing, we are always chatting through ideas and offering tips to help you improve. We are looking for good, sound, safe instructors. We are looking for people to be at the Rock Climbing Instructor standard or above and with an open mind to learning. As assessors, we are also continually learning and even though we have been fully qualified MIC instructors for many years we are still open to new ideas. So an ideal assessment goes something like this: You are showing us that you meet the single pitch award requirements and are climbing well. We will endeavour to give you ideas to think through, move you on and hope that you come out of the assessment process with more ideas, a greater breadth of experience and feel encouraged to continue learning and maybe go onto the summer, winter Mountain Leader or Mountain Instructor Award. So what happens if things don’t go quite as planned? We really understand assessment stress. People react differently to being assessed. We try and find what works for you and seek after your best performance. In practical terms, this means that we try and coach and give you as many opportunities to see that you have the understanding of what’s required. A quote from our assessment guidelines. “Wherever possible, should a candidate not demonstrate the level required for SPA assessment we show them where they have gone wrong and give them an opportunity to prove that they have understood and learnt from the feedback and coaching. We endeavour to make opportunity on the 2nd day for you to demonstrate these learned skills.” This is our aim! We want you to show us the best of yourselves. On a Rock Climbing Instructor assessment course, it’s easy to make little mistakes and not be clear. Our aim is for you to relax and show us that you are able to be a safe, good, motivating, encouraging instructor. We believe in ongoing learning. We see the Rock Climbing Instructor assessment course as being another chance to learn from your peers and our coaching input; also to question the skills learnt on Rock Climbing Instructor training and to end the Rock Climbing Instructor assessment course with more working knowledge and applicable skills. Rock Climbing Instructor Assessment Day 1 We meet at 8:30 am on the morning of the first day and then journey to a crag (venue arranged around the weather) Eve of day 1 We visit the indoor wall. Day 2 We meet at 9 am at a different crag venue. Results, Debriefs and course review and finished by 5pm. Rock Climbing Instructor assessment course outline Day 1 Group rigging and abseiling session. Assessment of the skills taught and outlined on the Rock Climbing Instructor training page. Our aim on an assessment is that candidates should prove that they can rig safely and efficiently, choose appropriate anchors, manage and encourage the group well and have a good understanding of what makes a fun and challenging group session. We aim to offer as much opportunity as possible for sharing ideas between candidates and for further learning and instructor development. Wherever possible, should a candidate not demonstrate the level required for Rock Climbing Instructor we show them where they have gone wrong and give them an opportunity on the second day to prove that they have understood and learnt from the previous day. Evening climbing wall session. Assessment of the skills outlined on the Rock Climbing Instructor training page. Peer coaching. Day 2 Personal climbing Assessment of the skills taught and outlined on the Rock Climbing Instructor training page. Each candidate to lead climbs they feel comfortable on. Candidates should lead up to Severe level of confidence and rig safely at the top of the climb. They should be able to communicate clearly with the second and ensure that they get back to the ground safely. The weather might dictate that an easier route is climbed. We aim to use at least two different climbing venues over the two days

Where And When

10/10/2024 08:30
11/10/2024 17:00
Total Days
Maximum Bookings
Central Lake District
United Kingdom




  • Non-Residential


Other Dates

09/05/2024 £215.00 Details
06/06/2024 £215.00 Details
01/08/2024 £215.00 Details
19/09/2024 £215.00 Details
14/11/2024 £215.00 Details
