If you have completed the Winter Mountain Leader Training and would like to focus on developing the skills and knowledge required for managing group travel through steep ground in winter conditions, this one-day session is ideal. We’ll look at decision-making both in the planning stage and while out in the environment, as well as providing security for individuals while moving on steep ground.
To re-cap the essential elements of managing a group safely on steeper terrain in winter conditions. Useful as preparation for Winter Mountain Leader Assessment.
Winter Mountain Leader Trained
This workshop is for those who have completed ML Winter Training and will focus on the techniques to ensure safe travel for a group through steep ground
During the day we will revisit the planning, route choice and group management process in relation to dealing with steep ground. We will also cover the techniques required to provide security for individual members of a hillwalking party during ascent and descent, including short sections of up to and including Grade 1 ground and cornices. This will include the use of kicking steps, step cutting and use of the rope to build different types of snow anchor/belay options.