Award Description
This is a combined training and assessment course for people who want to actively support a qualified instructor. Qualified Indoor Climbing Assistants can assist with core tasks within a session, directly supervised by an instructor.
The Indoor Climbing Assistant
Running over 1 day , training and assessment.
The Indoor Climbing Assisstant is for those who with compantance in basic skills in climbing who wish to assisst qualified climbing instructors or coaches in the management of their sessions but are not qualified to manage groups independantly.
Indoor Climbing assistants can have a insperational effect on individuals, groups & communities. they work with participants & a range of others such as instructors, other climbing assistants, colleagues, volenteers, parents, teachers, youth workers & health professionals to ensure climbing is at its very best it can be.
Indoor Climbing Assistants can assist a qualified climbing instructors fitting basic equipment such as harness's, shoes & helmets.
Assist a qualified instructor with supervision of core climbing technequies
Assist a qualified instuctor at indoor & outdoor climbing walls & bouldering venues.
Course Prerequistes before attending the course you should have:
Be at least 16 years old, have competance in the basic skills of belaying, harness fitting & tying on. 5 indoor or outdoor climbing sessions logged in your DLOG, there are no personal climbing requirement for these sessions, you can have just belayed, but is useful to have experience of climbing eg bottom roping or top roping.
Training & Continuous Assessment
During the course you will be trained & continuously assessed on the knowledge & skills detailed in the guidance notes. ( No 1st Aid required )
Results & Time
Minimum of 6 hours