Fergal Harrington Kerry (222317)


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Established by Fergal Harrington in 2019, Álaind Walking provides walking experiences around Sneem on the Ring of Kerry. Passionate about sharing the unspoilt beauty of Sneem, Fergal loves the interaction and camaraderie of walking with others. Opting to leave corporate management, he qualified as a Mountain Leader to do what inspires him most. Now he curates, grades and leads off-the-beaten track walks. He is most fulfilled when people delight in the wild beauty and peacefulness they discover in this less-frequented walking destination.

Álaind Walking offers bespoke Mountain Skills training, tours, multi-day walking breaks and single-day walks & hikes for individuals and groups. Guests can be assured of a friendly personable experience at a relaxed pace and away from the crowds.

Accommodation options can be included if required at our private Álaind Lodges B&B or partner hotels.


Courses Run
Candidates Trained
Passes Given
Staff Members


Trading Name
Fergal Harrington
Daytime Phone
Evening Phone