Joanna Chitty - 171898

logs 180

Awards Completed

Member Of

Winter Walking Record


Date : 24/01/2015

Duration : 5-8 hours

Style : Leader / Supervisor

Type : Mountain Walking (non-QMD)

Weather : Light snow - good visibility

Wind : Strong wind

Camping Type : N/A

Nights Camping : 0

Mountains : Sergeant Man

Flagged :


A challenging day due to high winds volunteer leading for UEA Fell and Mountaineering Club. Fearing that the strong North-Westerly winds might make a summit, and certainly extended periods on exposed ground impractical for the group in question I selected a sheltered route, initially into Easdale Tarn, then following the sheltered gully to the East of Bell's Knot to Codale Tarn. From there things were still looking pretty promising so I aim us West along the East Ridge of Sergeant Man, Then directly North on to the ridge only about 250m from the Summit. Here the winds blast made progress arduous and especially smaller team members were being moved about but as I had chosen a route on a broad ridge this was more exciting than dangerous. With effort and mutual support we were all able to make the short haul to the summit and a feeling we'd done better than the day might have predicted.
Descent was direct to the shelter of Blea Rigg, then traversing across back to Easdale Tarn.
This was a day that tested my ability to select a route that was appropriate both the the team and conditions; and a flexible approach to navigation, selecting the best route on the ground as the exact nature of the ground and conditions became apparent.

Area : Central Fells

South of the A66 and east of the Hardknott Pass as far east as the Kirkstone Pass

