About Leader's landscape training:
Landscape is our support system without which we could not exist.
Everyone depends on landscape for food, water, fuel and clean air.
A beautiful and diverse landscape with a wealth of wildlife and human history inspires and enriches our lives and provides a ‘natural health service’ for mind and body. But our fragile landscapes are under threat as never before, not least from climate change, and our challenge is to understand, support and enhance them.
Leader’s Landscape Training is aimed at outdoor practitioners to help deepen your understanding of Cumbria’s landscapes and enable you to pass on your new-found knowledge to those with whom you work.
Workshop detail:
The RSPB are working in partnership with landowner United Utilities to trial new approaches to upland management that combine large scale ecological recovery with sustainable hill farming on the Haweswater catchment. The beautiful and secluded valley of Swindale is where the partnership’s interventions are most visible, and include river, hay meadow, bog, floodplain and woodland restoration. These interventions have delivered big gains for wildlife as well as making the landscape more resilient to the impact of climate change, improving water quality, reducing flood risk and locking up more carbon.
Lee Schofield, senior site manager for the RSPB will lead a walk through Swindale, explaining the work that has been carried out, and how it has been integrated with the site’s farming operation.
Meeting point:
Informal car park before cattle grid at entrance to Swindale, Grid ref NY 52149 14239
Workshop tutor:
This workshop is organised by Friends of the Lake District (Tutor: Lee Schofield – RSPB Haweswater Senior Site Manager)