Tuesday 8th March 09:00-16:00 Ramshaw Rocks, Staffordshire.
Although crack climbing can be perceived as a dark art and is often shunned by those with an indoor climbing apprenticeship or indeed a background in climbing on other rock types, there is no reason why this can't be addressed and taught to all.
My day-day work is based on the gritstone crags of the Peak instructing and teaching students from difficult backgrounds. One of the key elements of this is teaching climbing techniques and most importantly maintaining enthusiasm throughout the session, this is something which I have found I have been able to transfer to participants regardless of their climbing standard and which I would like to attempt to pass on through this development day.
The key aims of the day would be to:
- Methods for introducing techniques without direct teaching (learner lead development) through scrambling/weasling and bouldering circuits
- Introducing abstract crack climbing methods and applying these at a beginners level (e.g. chimneying, hand stacks and arm bars)
- Focussing on feet as an often overlooked aspect of the overall technique (that leg which is often just kicking and scraping around) and how we can free our hands through deft left work.
If these are all met then we may progress onto teaching leading techniques and the importance of gear placement and how this differs from more standard lead climbing instruction.
Ramshaw provides the ideal environment for these sessions as it offers loads of cracks and few holds.
Session will be headed up by Andi Turner
Cost is £10, bring on the day.