Chris Walker Memorial Trust - Avalanche Awareness Training
The Chris Walker Memorial Trust is offering space on 2 avalanche awareness training days for winter 2022, run by the Scottish Avalanche Information Service.
These workshop are open to those who are Winter Mountain Leader Training or anyone above that level.
As normal the trust is asking participants in 2022, or from past years, to consider donating. Visit this page for the various ways for donating
Chris was a highly talented, accomplished and popular mountaineer who loved to share his enthusiasm, knowledge and skills with others.
He already held the MIC, was a full member of the Association of Mountaineering Instructors and no doubt would have fulfilled his life-long dream of becoming a British Mountain Guide.
CWMT offers these workshops to BMG, AMI, BAIML and MTA whose members can in turn pass on the knowledge to their clients/guests. Thus furthering the knowledge to recreational mountaineers in UK winter conditions.
This day provides a unique opportunity to benefit from SAIS forecasters experience and knowledge, offering insights from their work in respect of hazard evaluation, public forecasting and knowledge of the dynamics and challenges in a Scottish winter.
This online course prepares leaders, instructors and guides for the coming Scottish winter season
The one-day online course will include a review of the Be Avalanche Aware process, a revision of Avalanche Problems in the Scottish context, a discussion on how the SAIS operate and how to use the different aspects of the SAIS website.
In addition, a series of exercises and discussions will help develop understanding of snow pack evolution and avalanche hazard development in various weather scenarios. These are the foundation skills for making good route planning decisions prior to going on the hill.
There will be a strong emphasis on discussion and participation allowing various topic to be aired through out the day.
Some pre course self-study will be provided and is an integral part of the course
Graham Moss or Keith Miller, SAIS Senior Avalanche Forecasters
Online via ZOOM
Please also consider donating to and help the trust continue this important work. Thanks.
Graham Moss (07768505231) and Keith Miller (07765292851).
Via the CMS. If the workshop is full it is possible to add yourself to the waiting list by contacting Graham or Keith directly.