Ground Conditions: Frozen above 700m, crystaline consolidated snow on paths, cornicing on western facing slopes.
Given the prevailing W/SW wind conditions of the past few days, I chose the Snowdon Ranger path ascending from that side, expecting the top slopes of the PYG track to be corniced and avalanche-prone (which they were).
Conditions varied from clear sunshine to white-out cloud to views across all of Cardigan Bay.
Slush from 600 - 750m; 750m was a strong consolidated windslab layer, with a consolidating layer on top (seemed well-bonded in the sunshine).
The last part of the path was well-consolidated due to all the footfall from Llanberis - potential for slipping over Clogwyn Goch here soon (although still soft enough to stamp steps into).
Dogs had a good time! :)