Excellent day out with the JSMTC group, lots of navigation on the plateau again, 1041, Cairngorm summit and across to Cnap Coire na Spreidhe before heading first to a Snow hole spot ivo grid 012 046 where we dug emergency shelters and then we navigated across to Coire Domhain to some pre dug snow holes.
16 plus KM covered in total with over 1000 mtrs of ascent - another good day on the hill
Area :
The Cairngorms
The Cairngorms are ‘a little piece of the arctic in Scotland’ according to the SMC Munros Guide and the area contains many of the tallest peaks in the East Highlands. Ben Macdui (1309m), Cairn Gorm (1244m) and Braeriach (1296) are probably three of the better known and the whole area is full of steep corries and high plateaux. Access to the mountains is typically from Aviemore or Braemar.