Bolting for Climbers Workshop
This will be delivered by Matt Jones MCI.
Matt is a keen and active climber across all disciplines and has been involved in equipping new routes, reequipping existing routes, and developing new climb sites over a period of more than 30 years.
The aim of the day is to place/update fixed equipment/climbs at a suitable venue, and give attendees hands-on experience in the process involved, to include:
· Rigging and rope work systems for cleaning and equipping climb sites.
· Testing/decision making of suitable quality of rock for fixed protection.
· A knowledge of different types of bolts.
· Hands on experience of placing and testing both resin and expansion bolts.
· An understanding of the ethics/considerations involved.
£80 per person.
Open to AMI Full and Trainee Members (competent at ascending and descending fixed lines)
Back-up devices and semi-static ropes are available for hire.
To book:
Enquiries 07956004002